the Simple Phase Retrieval In the Nux Group
… for Single Particle Reconstruction with coherent diffraction ImagiNG
Welcome to the SPRING module documentation! Spring is a Python module for single-particle single-shot Coherent Diffraction Imaging data analysis, developed by the NUX group. It is designed to be user-friendly and to run on interactive Python notebooks like Jupyter. It’s implementation makes an efficient use of multi-CPU and multi-GPU computing hardware. After the Installation step, have a look at the Getting started section for an easy introduction to the main features of spring.
Source code
The spring source code is hosted on ETH Zurich GitLab and available as Open Source Software under MIT licence (see LICENSE
The source code is maintained by Alessandro Colombo (ETH Zurich). Please contact alcolombo@phys.ethz.ch for any question, issue or suggestion!
In publications, please cite the following papers:
Colombo, Alessandro, et al. Facing the phase problem in coherent diffractive imaging via memetic algorithms, Scientific reports 7.1 (2017): 42236. DOI: 10.1038/srep42236
Colombo, Alessandro, et al, An effective and reliable approach to the phase problem in single-shot single-particle Coherent Diffraction Imaging, arXiv preprint (2024). DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2409.07413